B.S. Elementary Education (P-5): FAQs
Where is ESS (Advisors) located?
The ESS office is located on the 3rd floor of Kennesaw Hall (by appointment only) and takes virtual advising appointments as well. Suite 3008, in the same suite as CEPP.
How do I set up an appointment to meet with my advisor?
On your compatible phone or tablet open up the built-in camera app. Point the camera at the QR code. Please book your appointment on the Microsoft Bookings page. Meet with your advisor every semester!
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding the advising process?
For questions regarding the advising process, contact bcoe_advising@kennesaw.edu
Are there background check requirements for the Birth through Kindergarten program?
Yes. Certification pathway candidates must clear both the PSC and Bright from the Start criminal background checks. Non-certification pathway candidates must clear the Bright from the Start criminal background check.
What should I do once I have been admitted into the ECE Program?
Attend Block I Orientation. An email will be sent to you listing mandatory Block I Orientation dates and times for you to attend before starting your first semester in the program
What should I do once I receive my placement?
Once you receive your placement:
- Email collaborating teacher using your KSU email. Schedule a time to visit the school for the first time.
- Share the collaborating teacher packet with the collaborating teacher.
- Setup schedule with your collaborating teacher and sign agreement.
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding Block I?
For questions regarding block I, contact Dr. Virginie Jackson - vjacks33@kennesaw.edu
Where can I obtain the application for the pre-service certificate?
Once admitted, your information was uploaded to the PSC. You will complete most of the pre-service certificate process through your MyPSC account. Log into your MyPSC account and complete the following:
- “Claim Program Provider” - this will confirm that you are enrolled in a teacher preparation program at KSU.
- Complete the “Personal Affirmation Questions (PAQs)”
- Go to the “Applications/Documentation/Status” area and click “Start” to answer additional questions and begin the “Pre-Service Certificate” application
- Upload the Verification of Lawful Presence affidavit which was sent to you by BCOE Admissions during your application process. Remember that you only select one line on the affidavit and must also upload a clear copy of the front of your current driver’s license, if a U.S. Citizen. All others would upload documents request on the affidavit.
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding the pre-certification process?
For questions regarding pre-certification, contact bcoe_certification@kennesaw.edu.
Where is the CEPP office located?
CEPP is located on the 3rd floor of Kennesaw Hall.
What are the steps for Block I field placement in elementary schools?
ECE 3320, ECE 4408, INED 4482 (Block I courses) have a field experience requirement. In order to be successfully placed in a school to complete your field experience, you must complete the following steps:
- Attend orientation
- Complete placement request form · Email copy of liability insurance to fieldexp@kennesaw.edu
- Assignments will be sent via email, 2 weeks in advance of observation date. Please contact CT (Collaborative Mentor Teacher) to set schedule arrangement.
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding Elementary Field Placement?
For questions regarding the elementary field placement process, contact Wakeeta Rosser - wrosser1@kennesaw.edu
What are the steps for Block I field placement in preschools?
ECE 3313 (Block I course) have a field requirement that you will be required to complete in a preschool setting. In order to be successfully placed in a preschool to complete your field experience, you must complete the following steps:
- Attend Bright from the Start background check workshop ( dates/times sent via email)
- Complete sign-up for placement (if applicable)
- Email copy of current liability insurance to fieldexp@kennesaw.edu
How do I receive a Bright from the Start background check?
You must attend workshop for Bright from the Start background check [dates/times and instructions sent via email]. The following are necessary steps for obtaining a background check:
- Get fingerprints taken at approved location.
- Receive clearance letter for DECAL.
- Bring clearance letter with you the first time you go to your preschool
Who should I contact with questions regarding Bright from the Start background check?
For questions regarding Bright from the Start background check, contact Donna Fitzgerald - dfitzge5@kennesaw.edu
Block II FAQs
Where is ESS (Advisors) located
The ESS office is located on the 3rd floor of Kennesaw Hall (by appointment only) and takes virtual advising appointments as well. Suite 3008, in the same suite as CEPP.
How do I set up an appointment to meet with my advisor?
On your compatible phone or tablet open up the built-in camera app. Point the camera at the QR code. Please book your appointment on the Microsoft Bookings page. Meet with your advisor every semester! Meet with your advisor every semester!
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding the advising process?
For questions regarding the advising process, contact bcoe_advising@kennesaw.edu
What should I do once I have been admitted into the ECE Program?
Attend Block I Orientation. An email will be sent to you listing mandatory Block I Orientation dates and times for you to attend before starting your first semester in the program.
What should I do once I receive my placement?
Once you receive your placement:
- Email collaborating teacher using your KSU email. Schedule a time to visit the school for the first time.
- Share the collaborating teacher packet with the collaborating teacher.
- Setup schedule with your collaborating teacher and sign agreement.
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding Block II?
For questions regarding this process, contact Dr. Virginie Jackson - vjacks33@kennesaw.edu
Where is the CEPP office located?
CEPP is located on the 3rd floor of Kennesaw Hall.
What are the steps for Block II field placement in elementary schools?
ECE 3330, ECE 4409, INED 4483, INED 3304 (Block I courses) have a field experience requirement. In order to be successfully placed in a school to complete your field experience, you must complete the following steps:
- Attend orientation
- Complete placement request form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5W7yRTTxnkO8k-bH4z1hwnCwOFstYDhItjyXr-nS3-BUMjhYN1IxMllBTDE0WjIzSUMzQTBTT01QNC4u
- If insurance has expired, please renew and email copy of liability insurance to fieldexp@kennesaw.edu.
- Assignments will be sent, via email, 2 weeks in advance of observation date. Please contact CT (Collaborative Mentor Teacher) to set schedule arrangement.
Who should I contact with additional questions regarding Elementary Field Placement?
For questions regarding the elementary field placement process, contact Wakeeta Rosser - wrosser1@kennesaw.edu
Yearlong Clinicals (YCE) FAQs
How do I apply for YCE?
Bagwell’s CEPP (Clinical Experiences, Placements, and Partnerships office) will open the YCE application for completion the semester prior to YCE. Information can be found on their website.
Some districts have additional requirements for YCE, so please monitor your KSU email for additional needs. Failure to complete required applications and paperwork may result in a lack of YCE placement.
When will I be notified of my YCE placement?
As districts return information, the CEPP office will notify you of your YCE placement via your KSU email address.
Do I have the same placement for YCE I and YCE II?
Our program attempts to keep you with the same collaborating teacher for YCE I and YCE II. Occasionally, changes are made for various reasons, as requested by candidates and schools.
If you collaborating teacher goes on leave, changes grade levels, schools, or districts in between YCE I and YCE II, your program coordinator and CEPP can help navigate these changes based on district and school approvals to keep consistency during YCE.
What days and hours will I be in the field during YCE?
During YCE I, candidates are in the field all day (teacher contractual hours for their district) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
During YCE II, candidates are in the field all day (teacher contractual hours for their district) on Monday thru Friday
Can I deviate from the YCE schedule?
No, the YCE schedule is created in collaboration with our partner districts. School administrators and collaborating teachers are expecting candidates to follow the schedule created.
What if I need to miss time during YCE?
There are currently no “excused” or “unexcused” absences during YCE. As would be the case if you are full time employee, students and school personal (such as your collaborating teacher) are counting on your attendance in the field.
If you need to miss time due to an illness or emergency, you are required to notify your supervisor, collaborating teacher and the school.
- Time missed must be made up prior to the last day of classes for the semester.
- More than 3 days missed can result in a U for YCE. Accommodations can be made for extenuating circumstances between candidates, the program coordinator, supervisor, and collaborating teacher.
What if I need to repeat a course during YCE?
If you are needing to repeat a course during YCE (especially YCE II), please contact your program coordinator.
What if I am involved in a sports team who practices during the day?
If you are involved in a sports team who practices during the times for YCE, please contact your program coordinator.
What classes do I need to have completed prior to YCE?
Prior to beginning YCE, you should have completed all coursework in both Block I and Block II, including pre-requisite courses. More information can be found on the program homepage.
What are the expectations for YCE?
During the YCE semesters, candidates are becoming more actively involved in classrooms. This means candidates are involved in the following:
- Assessment: designing, implementing, and analyzing assessment data from the field in collaboration with teaching teams, the collaborating teacher, and independently. Candidates are then expected to use this data to design lessons and justify their practice
- Planning: designing lesson plans in collaboration with teaching teams, the collaborating teacher, and independently
- Implementation: Implementing the above lesson plans in their field placement
- Management: supporting the collaborating teacher in implementation school and classroom management techniques
- Communication: communicate students progress/learning with stakeholders include collaborating teacher, teaching teams, school personal, administrators, and families
YCE candidates and collaborating teachers are expected to engage in various co-teaching models throughout the YCE. Programs will provide more information on their models.
How will I be evaluated during YCE?
Candidates in YCE will be assigned a university supervisor to support and mentor them. These supervisors, along with collaborating teachers, will provide formative feedback throughout the YCE via various formative tools including, but not limited to, observations of teaching.
Summative evaluations for YCE will occur via the midterm and final CAPS (Candidate Assessment of Performance Standards) which mirror the standards for teacher preparation in Georgia, as well as the evaluation system for credentialed educators.
- Timelines and scoring requirements for the CAPs will be outlined in the syllabi for YCE and reviewed during program orientation meetings.
Do I need Chalk and Wire for YCE
Yes, an active Chalk and Wire subscription is needed for the duration of YCE in order to submit lesson plans, observations, CAPS, and disposition documents.
When should I take the GACE assessments?
Information about accessing and registering for the GACE will come from the KSU certification office and be reviewed during the YCE opening meeting prior to YCE I.
Can I work as a sub during YCE?
Unfortunately, due to liability concerns, you are not permitted to substitute teach during YCE. This means there needs to be an approved substituted teacher with you in the event your collaborating teacher is absent.
What happens if I am offered a full-time position before the end of the semester?
Congratulations! If this occurs, you may be eligible for early release from YCE II (only YCE II students are eligible for early release).Please visit the CEPP YCE page for information on the early release process.