Confidentiality Statement

Kennesaw State University 
Bagwell College of Education

Center for Education Placements and Partnerships 

Please fill out this confidentiality form as a reminder not to disclose any CONFIDENTIAL student data while you are completing your online practicum experience.


I understand that I do NOT have a GaPSC Professional Certificate, and therefore, I am not eligible for certification in Instructional Technology offered by the GaPSC.

I understand that I am not eligible for an upgrade to my teaching certificate from the GaPSC, since I do not have a GaPSC Professional certificate.

I understand that the degree in Instructional Technology may not lead to a pay increase from my school or district since I do not have a GaPSC Professional certificate.

I understand that if I were to attain a GaPSC Professional certificate in the future, that I may still not be eligible for certification in Instructional Technology since I did not have a GaPSC Professional certificate at the time I enrolled in the Instructional Technology degree program at KSU.

Entering my first name, middle initial, and last name in the box above indicates my electronic signature on this form.
