Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification

Individuals completing a program in education at KSU, and seeking a teaching certificate through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC), must have met the following requirements:

  1. Awarded a KSU bachelor’s degree in a teacher education program with at least a 2.5 institutional (adjusted) GPA. Or, awarded a KSU M.A.T. degree in a teacher education program with at least a 3.0 institutional (adjusted) graduate GPA.
  2. Grade of “B” or better in course taken to meet Georgia HB671-Education of the Child with Exceptionalities.
  3. Current PSC issued Pre-Service Certificate or cleared PSC background check if certification is sought after expiration of Pre-Service Certificate.
  4. Approved Program Completion form electronically submitted by KSU Certification Officer.
  5. Passing scores on GACE Content Assessment(s) aligned with KSU degree field.
  6. Successful completion of field experiences in all required grade bands, as tracked by the CEPP office.
  7. Successful completion of the Yearling Clinical Experience (YCE), or practicums, under the guidance of a qualified collaborating teacher with 3 or more years of certified teaching experience.
  8. Application for PSC certification is made within 5 years of degree completion. Delaying application beyond 5 years may result in additional course work or exam requirements to conform with PSC recency of knowledge requirement.

Graduates seeking certification outside of Georgia must first meet Georgia certification requirements. It is only after meeting eligibility requirements for certification in Georgia that paperwork for certification in another state may be completed.

Candidates pursuing certification in another state should contact the Department of Education, or official teacher licensing office, in that state for specific requirements. KSU programs meet requirements for certification in the state of Georgia and additional requirements may exist for teacher certification outside of Georgia.
