Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators

The GACE exams were developed and implemented by the state of Georgia as a way of assessing the content knowledge of individuals seeking an education certificate. Undergraduate students will take the Content exams during their clinical experiences in the last year of studies.  MAT students may take these exams as part of their admissions, for some programs, or at any point during their degree program.

The GACE website offers extensive information regarding the GACE Content Assessments. Information regarding which tests to take, how to register and how to prepare for the tests.

GACE Content Assessment

GACE Content Assessment exams are designed to test a person's content knowledge in individual certification fields. Individuals completing a certification program must establish content knowledge in their degree field through passing scores on the GACE Content exam aligned with their degree field. Please refer to the list of exams and their related fields on the GACE website.

GACE Test Dates - The GACE website provides updated testing dates.  GACE is only offered in a computer based testing format.

GACE Test Sites - Test sites are located throughout the state of Georgia,the United States, and the world.  Please check the GACE website for updated information regarding test sites and their available test dates.

GACE Preparation Materials & Study Guides - The GACE website provides study guides, sample questions and test design/framework information for each of the GACE exams.  Individuals are encouraged to utilize this free resource.

GACE - Alternative Testing Arrangements - GACE provides alternative testing arrangements for individuals with document physical disabilities or religious beliefs which would not allow for Saturday testing.

Score Report - GACE scores are automatically sent to the email address provided during registration for the GACE exam.  Electronic scores are reported to the college or university that is noted during registration and automatically to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC).