EPCC Membership
OVERVIEW POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MEMBERSHIPMembership on the EPCC is representative of all degree programs, several significant academic support functions, candidates at basic and advanced levels, and the world of practice:
- One member representing each department in the Bagwell College of Education:
- One member from each of the academic support units:
- One member to represent the Graduate Programs across the Educator Preparation Program.
- One member as appointed by the Dean of the Bagwell College of Education.
- One member from each Educator Preparation Program college outside of the Bagwell College of Education:
- Ex-Officio (non-voting) Members: Educator Preparation Program Deans and Department Chairs.
The membership elects the incoming EPCC Chair at the last official meeting of the academic year.
EPCC Membership for 2024-2025
Permanent Members
Permanent members are representatives from the Bagwell College of Education's Office of the Dean, Graduate Programs across the Educator Preparation Program, and academic support units.
Dr. Melissa Driver
Associate Dean for Quality Enhancement & Associate Professor of Special Education
Kawonza Jones-Wilson
Director of Clinical Experiences, Placements & Partnerships
Dr. Raynice Jean-Sigur
Interim Director of Bagwell Advising and Student Success Center (BASSC) & Professor
of Early Childhood Education
Term Members
The term of office for EPCC member is two years. If a member resigns or is no longer able to perform the duties required of EPCC membership, the department or college left without representation by such occurrence elects a new representative.
Dr. Zurisaray Espinosa
Clinical Assistant Professor of TESOL
Representing: Department of Inclusive Education Term Expires: Spring 2025
Dr. Amy Hillen
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Representing: Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education Term Expires:
Spring 2025
Dr. Nik Clegorne
Professor of Educational Leadership and Higher Education
Representing: Department of Educational Leadership Term Expires: Spring 2026
Dr. Kim Loomis (2024-2025 EPCC Recording Secretary)
Professor of Science Education
Representing: Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education Term Expires: Spring
Dr. Matthew L. Wilson (2024-2025 EPCC Chair)
Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology
Representing: School of Instructional Technology and Innovation Term Expires: Spring
Dr. Nefertari Yancie
Assistant Professor of History Education
Representing: Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences Term Expires:
Spring 2026
Dr. Peter Fielding (2024-2025 EPCC Associate Chair)
Associate Dean for the College of The Arts
Representing: College of the Arts Term Expires: Spring 2026
Dr. Michael Hales
Associate Professor of Health Promotion and Physical Education
Representing: Wellstar College of Health and Human Services Term Expires: Spring 2025