Overview of Project
This project aims to develop a toolkit for elementary preservice teachers (PSTs) to engage in equitable three-dimensional (3D) scientific sensemaking and develop their self-efficacy and knowledge for elementary science teaching. Equitable 3D sensemaking supports learners to use their personal and community assets to make sense of natural phenomena and problems through the integration of the three dimensions of the crosscutting concepts (CCCs) (e.g., patterns, cause/effect), science and engineering practices (SEPs) (e.g., argumentation), and disciplinary core ideas (DCIs).
This project intends to provide opportunities for elementary PSTs to engage in equitable 3D sensemaking by using the Hopscotch 4 Scientific Investigation toolkit for planning and conducting scientific investigations and developing evidence-based claims about phenomena. Drawing on an existing innovative Hopscotch Model for designing educational research that has been successfully used in various graduate research courses, the project will create a new toolkit focused on scientific investigations for use in undergraduate science courses for elementary PSTs.
Research Questions
- How do PSTs engage in equitable 3D sensemaking using cycles of the Hopscotch-4-Scientific Investigation toolkit?
- In what ways is the use of Hopscotch-4-Scientific Investigation toolkit associated with the development of knowledge for teaching elementary science including content knowledge, PCK, and abilities to engage in science practices?
- In what ways is the use of Hopscotch-4-Scientific Investigation toolkit associated with the PSTs’ self-efficacy?
- Objective 1: Develop Hopscotch-4-Scientific Investigation (H4SI) Toolkit and Modules for Science Content Courses.
- Objective 2: Investigation and improvement of the use of H4SI within Science Content Courses
- Objective 3: Investigation of PSTs’ equitable sensemaking and learning associated with H4SI Toolkit.