EPCC Policies and Procedures



In AY 2022-2023, the EPCC drafted, reviewed, and approved new committee bylaws to govern its operations. The bylaws were approved in April 2023. The EPCC Bylaws be found here.

Key procedural elements for EPCC operations are summarized below. Please consult your EPCC representative or the EPCC chair for guidance a needed.

    1. Proposals must be submitted through Curriculog and follow all steps of the Curriculum Review Process.
    2. To be eligible for inclusion on an Committee agenda, a proposal must be approved by department level committees and department chairs) at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled EPCC meeting. Those meeting the inclusion deadline will be reviewed by the EPCC Chair or (a) designee(s). Proposals that are part of a larger package may be held for approval until all related proposals are eligible for agenda inclusion.
    3. All proposals seeking launch in the following academic year (currently AY 24-25) must be through the full provost-level approval process by December 31 of the preceeding year per the CIA. Final meetings of the 2023 cycle for the UPCC and GPCC are December 8 and December 7, respectively. Proposals needing approval by the EPCC for this should likely be approved no later than the final meeting of October to aid in the timely passages through the process.

    NOTE:  It is required that Originators utilize the resources for curriculum provided by the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment unit (CIA) to develop their proposals and related documents. These resources include, but are not limited to:

    Additionally, the EPCC advises that you consult with your committee represenative prior to launching the proposal to help ensure the timely processing of your curricular needs.

    1. Actions require a quorum of Voting Members (a quorum is six [6] Voting Members; there are a total of eleven [11] Voting Members of the EPCC).
    2. A simple majority approves an issue.
    3. Per Article V, Section 3 of the bylaws, the format of meetings will be:
      1. Call to order.
      2. Record attendance.
      3. Establish quorum.
      4. Approve minutes.
      5. Reports and announcement.
      6. Old business - Discussion and voting for items in a second round of review or tabled from the prior meeting.
      7. New business - Discussion and voting for items in a first round of review.
      8. Final discussion and announcements.
      9. Adjournment.
    4. When the floor opens for motions, Voting and Non-Voting Members of the EPCC can make a motion.
    5. Motions require a second. Voting and Non-Voting Members of the EPCC can second a motion.
    6. For motions to be approved, a simple majority of Voting Members of the EPCC is required.
  • Committee Members have two expectations during their term of service:

    1. Complete curriculum review.
    2. Recommend approval of changes in curriculum including the addition, deletion or changes of courses, new programs or concentrations, and changes in program requirements.
    3. Recommend changes in curricular policies and procedures.
    4. Make recommendations regarding the curriculum development and review process.
    5. Participate in shared governance.
    6. Provide department/school representation in their absence.
    7. Advise and metor department/school colleagues on the curriculum process.
  • To ensure that proposals receive the most feedback possible while also ensuring that EPCC meetings remain productive in achieving its purpose in “provid[ing] support and ensur[ing] accountability in the development of programs and curricula within the BCOE”, the EPCC will review each proposal in a shared review document.  This process will:

    • Provide a visual representation of all Committee Members’ evaluations of proposals;
    • Focus on only those areas deemed necessary by a consensus of Committee Members;
    • Provide Originators with documented feedback that can be used to revise proposals; and
    • Allow for data collection regarding proposals submitted to the EPCC.

    Prior to the EPCC meeting, EPCC members will review each proposal and enter feedback for both the content of the documents and the entries in curriculog.  For each proposal, the EPCC Chair will use the data from the table to guide EPCC meetings (no matter if they are face-to-face, synchronous in Teams, or asynchronous in Teams). The originator will make a brief presentation about the proposal(s) and committee discussion based on the review document will occur afterwards. During the presentation, Originators will be able to see any comments that EPCC Members have added regarding that specific criterion, allowing for a more precise discussion and revision of each proposal. 

Curriculum Resources

  • Guidance for the creation of curriculum at KSU at all levels can be found from KSU's Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (CIA). Click here for access to the main CIA homepage.

    The following sub-pages from the CIA detail specifics of the process...

    Where to Start - Provides general guidance and FAQs about the curriculum development process.

    Checklists - Provides a series of checklists for curriculum development for each class of proposal.

    Templates - Provides a series of templates for curriculum development for each class of proposal along with documentation that be required within a proposal.

    General Curriculum Resources - Provides links to helpful resources like the USG's list of authorized degrees and majors and curriculum trainings.

    In addition, the EPCC recommends that if you have not originated a proposal within the last year, that you consider retaking the originator training as a refresh. Curriculog and the proposal process changes over time so it may help to update on the process. Trainings may be access via OwlTrain.

    If you have any questions about the curriculum development process, please contact your EPCC representative.

  • The Office of Assessment and Accreditation (OAA) provides here an addedum checklist for the curriculum process for originators starting proposals for currciular review that are part of the Educator Preparation Program (EPP). Please refer to the additional requirements and policy language for such proposal within. If you have any questions about the requirements and how best to include them within the proposals, please contact Melissa Driver in the OAA.

    Please access the addendum document here. You may be asked to provide your KSU credentials to access the document.

  • The EPCC provides this estimated submission timeline as a point of clarification on the curriculum process before the EPCC will be able to review your proposal. This is only an estimate and will vary based on the workload of different groups. This is not a guarantee. For any questions on specific deadlines, please visit KSU's CIA Office Website for calendars and deadlines.

    The proposal process before reaching the EPCC involves the following steps. All days noted below are business days. Detailed descriptions provided below the table.

    Reviewing Body
      Approximate Review Length


    0 Days

    Curriculum Support Team

    3 Days Minimum

    Department/School Committee

    3 - 5 Days

    Department Chair or School Director

    3 - 5 Days

    AVP of Curriculum Team

    3 Days Minimum

    CCCs and College Deans



    10 Days Minimum

    • Originator (Initial Proposal Submission): 0 days
      • The launch of most Curriculog proposals require the launch and then verification of the proposal. Not verifying the proposal will cause delays.
    • Initial Review by the Curriculum Support Team: 3 days minimum
    • Department/School Curriculum Committees: 3 - 5 days
      • This can vary by department/school, but five business days is a safe assumption. You are encouraged to inform your committee once the proposal reaches this stage so they are aware it is in their queue.
    • Department Chair or School Director: 3 - 5 days
      • This can vary by department/school, but five business days is a safe assumption. You are encouraged to inform your chair/director once the proposal reaches this stage so they are aware it is in their queue.
    • AVP of Curriculum Review Team: 5 days minimum
    • College Curriculum Committee and College Dean only for those programs outside of the BCOE: Varies
      • For EPP programs outside of the BCOE, your proposals will need to be reviewed by your college committee and dean before they reach the EPCC. Please review your college’s policies and discuss this with your college contacts to estimate a timeline.
    • EPCC Review: 10 days minimum
      • Once the propsal reaches the Committee, it will go into review. To be considered for the next meeting agenda, the proposal must be in the EPCC queue no later than two standard weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting. Undergraduate and Graduate proposals will need to arrive at this step no later than mid-October to meet KSU curricular deadlines inclusion in the Fall catalog of the following academic year. Please remember that approval through the process is contingent on proposal readiness.

    For updates on your proposal's current status, please check Curriculog, the Undergrdaute Proposal Docket, or the Graduate Proposal Docket. In the event of a broken docket links, the dockets can be access from the respective committee pages.

Previous Year’s EPCC Minutes

