Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is already being enacted in several school districts across Georgia. These districts have expressed frustration with barriers to growing personalized learning beyond individual pilot classrooms. One barrier was teacher preparation, and we began a pursuit to design educator preparation programs and professional learning systems that would support teacher expertise and build capacity in personalized learning. However, we quickly discovered that similar barriers affected our efforts to grow personalized learning from our own setting and role. Barriers that persist beyond districts and schools of education are more closely related to state policies, laws, organizational structures, accreditation, assessments, and limited technologies.

Interested in a Personalized Learning Teacher Education Program Click Here
Click Here to download the Personlized Learning Documentation
Georgia Department of Education Learning Standards

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Education Elements
Personlized Learning


Dawson, P., & Guare, R. (2014). Interventions to promote executive development in children and adolescents. In Handbook of Executive Functioning (pp. 427-443). Springer New York.

English, F. & B. Steffy (2001). Deep Curriculum Alignment: Creating a Level Playing Field for All Children on High Stakes Tests of Accountability. Scarecrow Press, Lanham, MD.

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Patrick, S., Worthen, M., Frost, D., & Gentz, S. (2016). Promising State Policies to Advance Personalized Learning. Retrieved from

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