Clayton County Public Schools

Young people are the future. And CiSTEMer is developing students to become leaders through math education. In collaboration with The Young People’s Project, CiSTEMer utilizes their near-peer model of allowing students to take charge of their Education and the way math is taught. As a result, these students serve as Math Literacy Workers (MLWs), a term developed by The Young People’s Project. MLWs typically range from high school to college-aged students, and they are all trained in many ways to develop the mathematical literacy of younger students. This is done through a series of student-created games, activities, conversations and mentorship opportunities. Through CiSTEMer, Math Literacy Work is done by students for school districts, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations and the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). 

About the program

During the Summer of 2024, high school and college Math Literacy Workers taught a Flagway class to middle school students as part of Clayton County Public School’s Summer Learning Academy. Each day, high school Math Literacy Workers would teach multiple Flagway classes to local middle school students. Developed by The Young People’s Project, Flagway is a game-based and innovative math curriculum that emphasizes Pre-Algebra concepts, as well as upper-level math concepts that most students don’t get exposed to until their college math classes.  
  •  Although the high school Math Literacy Workers were trained through the Flagway curriculum by an adult, the entire summer program was student-led. This ensures that the curriculum was taught in a way that students best understand, while still focusing on critical thinking, rigor and most importantly – having fun!   
