Benefits and Services

What is the Center for Innovation in STEM Education Research?

CiSTEMer is a research and outreach arm of KSU, aimed at improving K–20 STEM education both locally and nationally. CiSTEMer promotes and supports collaborations among faculty to conduct pure and applied research in K–12 and undergraduate STEM education. In addition, CiSTEMer focuses on broadening the STEM pipeline and transforming the nature of STEM educational opportunities.

    • Meet faculty across campus interested in K–20 STEM Education
    • Get connected to K–12 partners
    • Find an external evaluator for your project
    • Navigate the resources available in the Office of Research
    • Support with identifying a funding source for your project
    • Understand critical elements of the solicitation for proposals
    • Access to a grant-writer
    • Resources for developing a logic model, data management plan, budget and justification, etc.
    • Support writing IRB applications to both KSU and K–12 school partners for research with human subjects
    • Develop and track project timelines, milestones, tasks, dependencies, deliverables, and resources needed
    • Ensure that all study activities meet current university, state, and federal regulatory guidelines, requirements, and more
    • Prepare equipment for use in research studies
    • Develop and maintain study databases and data storage
    • Upload, store, log, and track collected data
    • Coordinate data processing efforts (e.g. transcription, video processing)
    • Collect and organize consent forms for research projects
    • Monitor budgets across multiple projects in coordination with the Office of Research
    • Serve as a liaison between your project and the Office of Research
    • Facilitate communication with key research project personnel across organizations
    • Manage communication and scheduling with research participants, including students, teachers, and school admins
    • Oversee updates to project and center websites, and new reporting related to research projects
    • Assist PIs in writing, formatting, reviewing, and analyzing progress and final reports
    • Assist and support PIs in project outreach efforts and initiatives


What are the Benefits Offered by CiSTEMer?

In addition to the above resources, consider submitting your grant proposal with CiSTEMer as a named partner.

Benefits to doing so:

  • A portion of the indirects allocated to the Office of Research will be returned to the PI.
  • The award and usual indirects remains in your college.
  • Expertise in STEM Education grant management, including the connections to partners across colleges and in K–12 settings.
  • With a budgeted project manager, CiSTEMer will lead all paperwork and administrivia—as listed above—allowing you to focus on carrying out your research.


Research Services


KSU’s Center for Innovation in STEM Education Research (CiSTEMer) is of Service!

For More Information: