Core Values & Documents


SMGE exists to benefit the education of teachers and their K-12 students through teaching, research, service, and commitment to community partnerships. We prepare justice-oriented teachers to meet K-12 students’ intellectual and social-emotional needs in developmentally appropriate ways as well as promote equitable outcomes for students, families, and communities.


SMGE aspires to humanize education with learner-centered teaching, scholarship, and service by building transformative, sustainable, and reciprocal partnerships grounded in equity, inclusion, and social justice with teachers, families, schools, and communities.


We are committed to: Humanizing Education; Justice, Equity, and Shared Governance; and Learner-centered approaches to teaching, research, and service.

Core Values, SMGE 2012-2017 Strategic Plan

1.    Programs

  1. Our evidence- and research-based programs are characterized by content-rich curricula, research-based pedagogy, and the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. (KSU & BCOE Goals #1, 2, 4)
  2. SMGE faculty members continually analyze and refine programs to reflect all relevant standards and to maintain the highest levels of quality. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1 & BCOE Goal #6)
  3. SMGE programs utilize and promote collaborative structures for effective teacher preparation and development. (KSU & BCOE Goals #1, 2, 3)
  4. Our programs maintain robust enrollments through recruiting, admitting, and retaining students who reflect our core values. (KSU & BCOE Goals #1, 2)


2.    Faculty

  1. SMGE faculty members demonstrate excellence and a commitment to continual improvement in teaching, supervision, and mentoring. Each faculty member systematically improves his or her practice through a variety of means including the collection and analysis of evidence, seeking professional development, and the use of research-based practices. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1)
  2. SMGE faculty members are committed to demonstrating excellence in service to our department, college, EPP, and university communities. We actively build that culture in our greater communities where needed. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1,4)


3.    Department

  1. SMGE will advance partnerships with K-12 schools and other stakeholders. (KSU & BCOE GOAL 1,2,3)
  2. SMGE promotes and reinforces a cohesive, collegial culture. (KSU & BCOE GOAL #4)
  3. SMGE will heighten the visibility of the faculty, programs, and graduates at all levels:  local, state, national, and international (i.e. professional organizations, global studies). (KSU & BCOE Goal #1,3)
  4. SMGE will stay informed and seek to influence relevant educational policies and climate. (KSU & BCOE Goal #3)
  5. SMGE will pursue and share information related to professional development opportunities for faculty, especially related to excellence in teaching and guided by the principles of teaching excellence, equity, diversity, and inclusion. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1, 4)


4.    Candidates (Initial and Advanced)

  1. Dispositions. Candidates in initial and advanced programs will develop and demonstrate professionalism, ethical behavior, and interpersonal skills appropriate for the school environment. SMGE graduates are characterized by their ability to serve as leaders, advocates for their students, and agents of change. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1, 2, 3)
  2. Content Knowledge. Candidates in initial and advanced programs will develop and demonstrate accurate, broad, in-depth, and current knowledge of the content and standards appropriate to their fields of study. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1, 2)
  3. Pedagogical Knowledge. Candidates in initial and advanced programs will develop and demonstrate effective pedagogical skills that actively engage students in learning the curriculum. Their pedagogical knowledge and skills will prepare them to create learning environments that are intellectually challenging and culturally and developmentally responsive. Candidates will extend their repertoire of strategies in assessment, classroom management and teaching, including their skillful use of a variety of methods, materials, and technologies. (KSU & BCOE Goal #1, 2)


