Faculty and Staff
Combining research expertise with teaching experience at the middle and secondary levels, the faculty of the Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education pride ourselves on effective teaching, applied research, and undergraduate and graduate programs that are effective, relevant, and research-based.
Secondary & Middle Grades Education faculty members have taught at the middle or secondary levels in a number of U.S. states, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Several faculty members have taught internationally in middle or secondary schools, including in China, Germany, and Taiwan. We have served various roles in P-12 schools, including Title I coordinator, academic coach, graduation coach, district gifted facilitator, department chair, literacy coach, and assistant principal.
Our department includes faculty with academic expertise in curriculum and instruction, in the core areas of the school curriculum (English/language arts, mathematics, the sciences, and social studies), as well as foundational areas, including educational psychology, educational research, instructional technology, and inclusive education.
Our faculty are active in professional organizations at the international, national, regional, state, and local levels where we serve as officers, executive board members, editors of journals, and peer reviewers. We are involved in or regularly present at the conferences and annual meetings of these organizations.
Megan Adams
Megan Adams Interim Department ChairPosition:
Interim Department ChairPhone: (470) 578-4336
Email: madam104@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 371
Dr. Adams serves the Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education by coordinating the M.Ed. programs and by serving on doctoral committees across the Bagwell College of Education. Her research areas are marginalized children and schools, as well as literacy education.
Brendan Callahan
Brendan Callahan Associate Professor of Biology Education; Program Coordinator of B.S.Ed. in Secondary Science; Program Coordinator of M.A.T. in Secondary SciencePosition:
Associate Professor of Biology Education; Program Coordinator of B.S.Ed. in Secondary Science; Program Coordinator of M.A.T. in Secondary SciencePhone: (470) 578-2394
Email: bcallah7@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 355
Dr. Callahan's research focuses on the use of socioscientific issues to facilitate scientific literacy.
MeiLin Chang
MeiLin Chang Professor of Applied Quantitive Research and Educations AnalysisPosition:
Professor of Applied Quantitive Research and Educations AnalysisPhone: (470) 578-7795
Email: mchang6@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 356
Dr. Chang teaches applied quantitative research courses for the Ed.S. and Ed.D. programs in the the Bagwell College of Education. Her research focuses on the sociocultural and emotional factors in shaping teacher motivation and student engagement.
Michael Dias
Michael Dias Professor of Science Education; Woodrow Wilson Scholarship Coordinator; Secondary Clinical Experience CoordinatorPosition:
Professor of Science Education; Woodrow Wilson Scholarship Coordinator; Secondary Clinical Experience CoordinatorPhone: (470) 578-2217
Email: mdias@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 363
At Kennesaw State University, Dr. Dias has been able to integrate his work in science teacher education, science teacher mentoring, and inquiry learning. Now, he is focused on language/literacy in science education and ecojustice/experiential learning.
In school science and nature study contexts, he works with teachers to cultivate more caring, communal, and educative relationships for all learners.
Belinda Edwards
Belinda Edwards Professor of Mathematics EducationPosition:
Professor of Mathematics EducationPhone: (470) 578-4727
Email: bedwards@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 361
Dr. Edwards teaches mathematics and mathematics education courses at the graduate and undergraduate level.
Darolyn Flaggs
Darolyn Flaggs Assistant Professor of EducationPosition:
Assistant Professor of EducationPhone: (470) 578-2474
Email: dflaggs@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 342
Jillian Ford
Jillian Ford Associate Professor of Social Studies Education; Program Coordinator of B.S. in Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Associate Professor of Social Studies Education; Program Coordinator of B.S. in Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-3093
Email: jford43@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 357
Dr. Ford's teaching, research, and community involvement centers social justice education, Black feminist studies, and decolonial studies. Her out-of-work passions include reading, utilizing snail mail, laughing, and engaging in warm-weather outdoor activities.
Rachel Gaines
Rachel Gaines Associate Professor of Educational PsychologyPosition:
Associate Professor of Educational PsychologyPhone: (470) 578-2505
Email: rgaines7@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 371
Dr. Gaines studies teacher stress, emotions, and perceptions of school climate. She is also interested in how pre-service teachers develop teacher identities in online learning environments.
Bryan Gillis
Bryan Gillis Professor Emeritus of English Education & LiteracyPosition:
Professor Emeritus of English Education & LiteracyPhone: (470) 578-2125
Email: bgillis@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 357
David Glassmeyer
David Glassmeyer Professor of Mathematics EducationPosition:
Professor of Mathematics EducationPhone: (470) 578-7867
Email: dglassme@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 341
Dr. Glassmeyer's Faculty Website -
Nichole Guillory
Nichole Guillory Professor of Curriculum & InstructionPosition:
Professor of Curriculum & InstructionPhone: (470) 578-2371
Email: nguillo1@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 364
Dr. Guillory's Faculty Website -
Johari Harris
Johari Harris Assistant Professor of Educational PsychologyPosition:
Assistant Professor of Educational PsychologyPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: jharr694@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 357
Ivan Jorrin Abellan
Ivan Jorrin Abellan Professor of Educational ResearchPosition:
Professor of Educational ResearchPhone: (470) 578-3389
Email: ijorrina@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 307
Dr. Jorrin-Abellan teaches graduate research courses on Qualitative Research Methods (i.e. EDRS 8000: Applied Quantitative & Qualitative Research, EDRS 9100: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods, & EDRS 9000: Research Seminar: Conceptual Frameworks & Research Design). He has expertise in qualitative research methods with extensive experience teaching and researching innovative uses of technology in Education.
He has recently developed the Hopscotch Model, a theoretical model and a web-tool to help novice researchers generate solid and well-informed qualitative research designs.
Jihye Kim
Jihye Kim Associate Professor of Educational Research; Program Coordinator of Ed.S. in Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Associate Professor of Educational Research; Program Coordinator of Ed.S. in Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-4904
Email: jkim192@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 343
Dr. Kim teaches quantitative educational research courses for Ed.S. and Ed.D. programs. Her research lies in quantitative approaches on teacher retention with school leadership, student motivation, student's performance with teacher effectiveness, and use of technologies in class.
James Kirwan
James Kirwan Associate Professor of Mathematics EducationPosition:
Associate Professor of Mathematics EducationPhone: (470) 578-6348
Email: jkirwan@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 354
Dr. J. Vince Kirwan teaches mathematics content and methods courses for undergraduate and graduate pre-service mathematics teachers. His research focuses on how pre-service mathematics teachers integrate their knowledge of mathematics content, pedagogy, and student thinking during their preparation, and in what ways this integrated knowledge translates into practice during their early teaching career.
Brian R. Lawler
Brian R. Lawler Professor of Mathematics Education. Remove Program coordinator of MAT and BSED and add Director of CISTMerPosition:
Professor of Mathematics Education. Remove Program coordinator of MAT and BSED and add Director of CISTMerPhone: (470) 578-4235
Email: blawler4@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 349
Dr. Lawler's scholarship focuses on equity issues in mathematics education, in particular the ways in which power and knowledge intertwine to govern the learner's mathematical identity. More precisely, his research examines the personal epistemologies of adolescent mathematicians: Do high school math students see themselves as mathematical authors? He also taught high school for nine years.
Kimberly Loomis
Kimberly Loomis Professor of Science EducationPosition:
Professor of Science EducationPhone: (470) 578-3388
Email: kloomis@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 369
Dr. Loomis teaches middle grades science methods, classroom management, and educational psychology courses. Her primary interests are inquiry teaching and learning, wolf education, and traveling to national parks (Yellowstone and Denali) with teachers.
Erik Malewski
Erik Malewski Professor of Curriculum StudiesPosition:
Professor of Curriculum StudiesPhone: (470) 578-7575
Email: emalewsk@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 366
Dr. Malewski has studied the effects of international cross-cultural experiences on undergraduate students' cultural perceptions. He has also engaged in synoptic study of the direction of the curriculum field and examined the implications of conceptions of ignorance for teaching and learning. Along with a colleague, Dr. Malewski developed a study abroad program in Honduras for teacher education students and a hybrid place-based and virtual field experience program. Under his mentorship, Dr. Malewski's graduate students received national recognition for their research, including the prestigious American Educational Research Association's Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award. Dr. Malewski has published numerous books, articles, and chapters focused on domestic and international diversity issues.
Laquisha Malveaux
Laquisha Malveaux Office Manager -
Beth Marks
Beth Marks Senior Lecturer of Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-3267
Email: bmarks@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 340
Mrs. Marks teaches Education Foundation courses and coordinates the EDUC 2110: Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education course.
Wendy Sanchez
Wendy Sanchez Professor of Mathematics EducationPosition:
Professor of Mathematics EducationPhone: (470) 578-6458
Email: wsanchez@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 360
Dr. Sanchez joined the Kennesaw State University faculty in 2001 in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Science and Mathematics. She joined the Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education in the Bagwell College of Education in 2017.
Kristie Smith
Kristie Smith Assistant Professor of English/Language Arts Education; Honor's LiaisonPosition:
Assistant Professor of English/Language Arts Education; Honor's LiaisonPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: ksmit871@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Anete Vasquez
Anete Vasquez Program Coordinator of Ed.D. in Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Program Coordinator of Ed.D. in Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-3427
Email: avasque8@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 362
Dr. Vasquez teaches courses in English/language arts and general education in the Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education. Her research interests include all aspects of the clinical preparation of teachers, particularly in the area of preparing teacher candidates to work with diverse learners.
Binyao Zheng
Binyao Zheng Professor of Educational Psychology and ResearchPosition:
Professor of Educational Psychology and ResearchPhone: (470) 578-3495
Email: bzheng@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 359
Dr. Zheng's focuses are Learning Theories, Research, and Multicultural Education.
Guichun Zong
Guichun Zong Professor of Curriculum & InstructionPosition:
Professor of Curriculum & InstructionPhone: (470) 578-6747
Email: gzong@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 358
Dr. Zong's main teaching and research areas of expertise are centered on issues related to curriculum and instruction at the secondary and middle school levels, as well as teacher education and higher education, in general.
Part-Time Faculty & Staff
Augustine Amenyah
Augustine Amenyah Part-Time Assistant Professor Educational PsychologyPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Educational PsychologyPhone: (470) 578-2884
Email: aamenya1@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 345
Dora Brown
Dora Brown Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: dbrow118@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Bradford Burel
Bradford Burel Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: bburel@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Nancy Gillis
Nancy Gillis Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6105
Email: ngillis1@kennesaw.edu
Location: KH 3003
Ms. Gillis teaches EDUC 2110: Investigating Critical and Contemporary Issues in Education and advises undergraduate Middle Grades Education majors.
Leigh Graham
Leigh Graham Part-Time Instructor EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: lgraham@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
LeShea Hermansen
LeShea Hermansen Part-Time Instructor Sciene EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Sciene EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: lmoncrea@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Jamel Miller
Jamel Miller Part-Time Assistant Professor Curriculum & InstructionPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Curriculum & InstructionPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: nmille67@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Juliann Noble-healy
Juliann Noble-healy Part-Time Assistant Professor Social Studies EducationPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Social Studies EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: jnoblehe@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Melissa Paurowski
Melissa Paurowski Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: mpaurows@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Melissa Paurowski
Melissa Paurowski Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: mpaurows@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Noelle Robinson
Noelle Robinson Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: nrobin70@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Luwanda Scott-Vaught
Luwanda Scott-Vaught Part-Time Instructor Adolescent EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Adolescent EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: lscottva@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Vivian Stephens
Vivian Stephens Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPosition:
Part-Time Assistant Professor Secondary & Middle Grades EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: vstephen@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Candice Taylor
Candice Taylor Part-Time Instructor Middle Grades Science EducationPosition:
Part-Time Instructor Middle Grades Science EducationPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: ctayl191@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336
Laquisha Malveaux
Laquisha Malveaux Office ManagerPosition:
Office ManagerPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: lmalveau@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 372
Alaine performs a wide range of clerical and secretarial tasks and provides administrative support to the Department of Secondary & Middle Grades Education in the Bagwell College of Education. -
Christen Knight
Christen Knight Administrative Assistant & Advising Records ManagementPosition:
Administrative Assistant & Advising Records ManagementPhone: (470) 578-6314
Email: cknigh30@kennesaw.edu
Location: BEB 336