Ed.D. Elementary Education Electives


ECE 9100: Cognitive Processes and Educational Practice
This course examines the cultural-historical theory of cognition and human development as a lens through which to analyze elementary education and schooling, with a particular emphasis on ways in which pedagogical practices are mediated by social interaction and cultural artifacts. Drawing from Vygotskian and sociocultural theories that view the everyday practices of language and action as constructing knowledge, the course examines the resources and funds of knowledge that students and communities possess and how to harness them for classroom teaching.

ECE 9130: Critical Analysis of Instruction and Learning
This course is an advanced study of instruction and learning through the lens of classroom discourse. Candidates will explore the talk that happens in their classrooms across the three dimensions of the social context, interactional context, and individual human agency. They will record and transcribe classroom instructional context, and individual human agency. They will record and transcribe classroom instructional conversations and analyze them based on such components as turn taking, contextualization cues, narrative resources, and framing resources. Finally, candidates will reflect critically on their analyses of classroom talk and use their reflections to enact change in their instruction.
