Ed.D. in Instructional Technology – Certification Track
for the Fall 2025 cohort!
Program Description (Fully Online)
The Ed.D. in Instructional Technology Certification Track prepares candidates to effectively
integrate technology into their own teaching practice and assist other educators in
utilizing technology to improve the teaching and learning process. It also prepares
candidates to model best practices in the use of instructional technologies and to
provide high-quality professional learning experiences for others. Candidates will
be prepared to integrate technology into their own classroom and serve in the role
of a Technology Coach for a school or district.
At the state level, the Certification Track is aligned to the GaPSC Standards for Instructional Technology. Nationally, the Certification Track is aligned to the ISTE Standards for Educators (ISTE-E) developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
Effective for Cohorts Starting FALL 2022:
The School of Instructional Technology & Innovation at KSU has been recognized by
the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) as an ISTE Certification Provider. KSU is the first higher education program in Georgia to be awarded this distinction.
What does this mean? Students enrolled in our Instructional Technology EDD certification
track program will develop a portfolio based on the ISTE Standards for Educators (ISTE-E).
Upon graduation, students may choose to submit their portfolio for $250 to ISTE for
ISTE Certification. KSU will be the only institution in Georgia offering the opportunity to become certified
by both the GaPSC and ISTE!
LENGTH of the program - Varies depending on the number of classes taken each semester and
the length and scope of the dissertation.
Candidates must either be working in a classroom or have access to a classroom in
order to implement class projects and complete the field experiences. Students take
two courses each semester, including summers. There will be a few ONLINE synchronous
sessions per class each semester.
Transfer Credit
Students who complete their Ed.S. in Instructional Technology at Kennesaw State University may be able to apply 9 - 12 hours of their Ed.S. to the Ed.D. in Instructional Technology. Students who have completed their Ed.S. at other institutions within the last 5 years may have their transcripts analyzed to receive transfer credit toward the Ed.D. in Instructional Technology at KSU.
Chalk & Wire Account
All students must purchase a Chalk & Wire account (~$60/year) online from the KSU Bookstore if they do not already have an active account.
Note to Georgia Educators
The Ed.D. Cert Track increases a Georgia T-6 to a T-7 and an S-6 to an S-7.
Program of Study
Core (15 Hours)
- EDUC 8100 Advanced Study of Learning
- EDRS 8100 Qualitative I
- EDRS 8200 Quantitative I
- EDRS 9300 Conceptual Frameworks & Research Design
- EDRS 9100 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
EDRS 9200 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
Technology Coaching Track (27 Hours)
- ITEC 7400 21st Century Teaching & Learning
- ITEC 7430 Internet Tools in the Classroom
- ITEC 7455 Digital Citizenship in Schools
- ITEC 7305 Data Analysis & School Improvement
- ITEC 7460 Professional Learning & Technology Innovation
- ITEC 7480 Introduction to Online & Blended Learning
- ITEC 7600 Personalized Learning in Technology-Rich Environments
- ITEC 7500 Capstone Experience & Portfolio
- ITEC 7485 Creating with Emerging Technologies
Advanced ITEC Courses (6 hours):
- ITEC 9100 Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Instructional Technology
- ITEC 9400 Research & Theory in Instructional Technology.
Guided Electives (9 hours)
- Guided electives selected with consultation of advisor.
Dissertation (9 hours)
- ITEC 9900 Dissertation Credit
Total - 66 hours
Admission Requirements:
Must possess the following beyond the general KSU Graduate College Admission Requirements:
- Degree – Master’s degree in professional education or a related field.
- Certificate – Uploaded to graduate application. Current clear, renewable Georgia Teaching Certificate OR a departmentally approved equivalent (for non-Georgia or non-certified individuals). To print a copy of your clear, renewable Georgia teaching certificate, you may log into your MyPSC account. Must NOT already hold the Instructional Technology field on your PSC certificate.
- Employment – Required full-time employment as a K-12 professional educator or access to a K-12 educational setting for the completion of field-based assessments and experiences.
- Résumé or Professional Vitae – Uploaded to graduate application. Professional resume documents statement of purpose for wanting the degree, education, and teaching experiences. Other information such as volunteer and service accomplishments and record of educational leadership activities are also welcome.
- Experience – Minimum of THREE (3) years of professional teaching administrative experience (or a combination thereof), or a related role serving B-12 education.
- Mentor Form – If seeking GaPSC certification, upon program completion, this program requires that you have a qualified mentor, who meets the GaPSC Mentor requirements, at each phase in your program. The ITEC Mentor Form provides instructions and requirements. Completed form must be uploaded to graduate application. Individuals employed in a private school setting will need to reach out to the Bagwell Certification Officer for further guidance.
- Professional Reflections Statement – Uploaded to graduate application. Write a 1-3
single-spaced page(s) professional reflections statement which addresses the following
- Why are you interested in the field of instructional technology?
- Why are you interested in pursuing a doctoral degree?
- What are your career plans after completing your Ed.D. degree?
- What areas of research are you interested in exploring and/or conducting?
- Which faculty members would you be most interested in working with regarding your research and/or career goals?
- GRE – Competitive Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score and Graduate GPA. The GPA and GRE will be utilized with other admission criteria to determine program eligibility. Although no minimum scores are required, candidates are encouraged to prepare and score well since admission to the program is competitive. Please note: The Analytical/Writing score one receives as part of the GRE exam is used competitively in the admission review process. It is strongly encouraged for applicants to do well on this portion of the exam. GRE scores must be from within the last five years.
How do I Apply
Please gather your teaching certificate, evaluation form, mentor form, and resume before applying so you can upload these documents before submitting your application.
- Complete the Online Graduate Application.
- Submit GRE Scores from within the last five years.
- Obtain and submit official transcripts from EACH college attended, including those institutions where degrees were NOT earned. Official
transcripts are those in a university sealed envelope. Your transcripts should reflect
at least a Bachelor's degree with at least a 2.75 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).
Official transcripts can be e-mailed directly from the institution to KSU at ksugrad@kennesaw.edu or mailed directly from the institution to KSU at the address below:
Kennesaw State University
Office of Graduate Admissions
3391 Town Point Drive
Mailbox #9109
Kennesaw, GA 30144 - Obtain and submit a copy of your Teaching Certificate or a departmentally-approved equivalent. To print a copy of your Georgia clear, renewable certificate, you may log onto www.gapsc.com. The Department of ITEC recognizes and appreciates that many independent schools and 21st century learning environments do not require educators to hold traditional state teaching certification. In such instances, the Department will make a case-by-case determination as to whether the educator's qualifications are sufficiently equivalent to a traditional teaching certificate and/or whether the educator has the background necessary to ensure successful completion of the program.
- Obtain and submit ONE Mentor Form.
This should be from a current administrator, Instructional Lead Teacher, Instructional Technology Specialist, media specialist, teacher, etc. at the building or district levels with instructional technology knowledge and experience.
(form provided above). - Obtain and submit a Professional Resume documenting statement of purpose for wanting the degree, education, teaching experience, volunteer and service accomplishments, and record of leadership activities. Your resume MUST reflect, at least, three years of teaching and/or administrative experience.
- Write and submit a Professional Reflections Statement. Write a 1-3 single-spaced page(s) professional reflections statement which addresses the following questions: Why are you interested in the field of instructional technology? Why are you interested in pursuing a doctoral degree? What are your career plans after completing your Ed.D. degree? What areas of research are you interested in exploring and/or conducting? Which faculty members would you be most interested in working with in regards to your research and/or career goals?
- Submit a copy of the Transfer Credit Request Form if applicable.
- International Applicants Only: Please contact 770-499-3002 for all international admission requirements related to your citizenship or visa status OR link to the Graduate International Admissions page: http://graduate.kennesaw.edu/admissions/apply/international-students.php
If you do not upload your teaching certificate, evaluation form, mentor form and/or resume before submitting your application, please e-mail them to ksugrad@kennesaw.edu or mail them to the address below:
Kennesaw State University
Office of Graduate Admissions
3391 Town Point Drive
Mailbox #9109
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Applications are closed for the Fall 2024 cohort.
April 1, 2025
Contact Us
For more information, please e-mail Dr. Julie Moore, Ed.D. Program Coordinator, at jmoor151@kennesaw.edu or call the ITEC Department at (470) 578-3262.