Ed.S. ITEC Advanced Track (Technology Leadership)


Applications are currently open
for the Fall 2025 cohort!

Program Overview

The Ed.S. in Instructional Technology is fully online and designed for educators who currently hold or aspire to hold a technology leadership position at the school, district, or state level.  The Ed.S. is intended to deepen and broaden the educational technology leadership knowledge and skills of candidates. The program is based on the ISTE Standards for Technology Directors and the CoSN Framework of Essential Skills for K-12 CTOs.

Today's educational technology leaders are known by many different titles such as Technology Director, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). No matter the title, educational technology leaders have dual leadership roles--both instructional and technical--and according to CoSN, these roles encompass a broad range of skills including:

  • creating a vision for the role of technology;
  • implementing strategic planning and policy development;
  • having an understanding of teaching and learning, assessment, and professional development;
  • managing technology and support resources; and
  • possessing the political and interpersonal skills to effectively work with all stakeholders.

The Ed.S. in Instructional Technology will prepare you for these roles and challenge you to grow as an educational technology leader!

Students take two courses each semester, including summers. There will be a few ONLINE synchronous sessions per class each semester.

Chalk & Wire Account

All students must purchase a Chalk & Wire account (~$60/year) online from the KSU Bookstore if they do not already have an active account.

LENGTH of the program is 5 semesters (2 classes per semester).

Candidates must either be working in a classroom/school/district or have access to a classroom/school/district in order to implement class projects, and complete the field experiences and capstone project. There will be a few ONLINE synchronous sessions per class each semester.

Program of Study

Advanced Track (30 Hours)
Ed.S. Core (9 Hours)

  • EDUC 8100 Advanced Study of Learning
  • EDRS 8000 Applied Qualitative & Quantitative Research
  • ITEC 8500 Issues, Trends & Research in Instructional Technology

Instructional Technology Courses (21 Hours)

  • ITEC 8510 Teaching, Learning & Technology
  • ITEC 8520 Supporting Technology Infrastructure in Schools & Districts
  • ITEC 8530 Technology Leadership & Strategic Planning
  • ITEC 8540 Business Management & Staffing for Technology Programs
  • ITEC 8550 Designing & Evaluating Professional Learning
  • ITEC 8560 Digital Citizenship in Education
  • ITEC 8570 Managing Data Systems in Schools & Districts

Total - 30 hours

Admission Requirements

The following are requirements beyond the general KSU Graduate Admissions requirements.

  • Earned master’s degree in professional education or a related field. Minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale for undergraduate and graduate degrees. Official transcripts for all degrees must be provided.
  • A teaching certificate or departmentally-approved equivalent. The School of Instructional Technology and Innovation recognizes and appreciates that many independent or charter schools may not require educators to hold traditional state teaching certification. In such instances, the School will make a case-by-case determination as to whether the educator’s qualifications are sufficiently equivalent to a traditional teaching certificate and/or whether the educator has the background necessary to ensure successful completion of the program.
  • A professional resume documenting statement of purpose for wanting the degree, education, and teaching experiences. Other information such as volunteer and service accomplishments and record of educational leadership activities are also welcome. Two years teaching experience is preferred. Current full-time employment as a K-12 professional educator or access to a K-12 educational setting is required to complete field-based assessments and experiences.
  • If seeking GaPSC certification, applicants must obtain and submit a ITEC Mentor form indicating support from a qualified mentor who meets the GaPSC Mentor Requirements.  Mentor requirements can be found on the ITEC Mentor form on the Graduate Admissions website for this program.

Admission Criteria for Unique Cases
Currently there are no exceptions to the admission requirements.


Enrollment for Fall 2025 - Deadline - July 1, 2025

Contact Us

For more information please email the Ed.S. Advanced Track Program Coordinator, Dr. Julie Moore at jmoor151@kennesaw.edu or call the Department office at (470) 578-3262.

*The Ed.S. in Instructional Technology is a highly competitive program. There is a limited number of applicants that we can accept per semester.  Once we meet our capacity for the enrolling semester, you may be asked to update your application to a future semester at no charge.
