INED Resources
INED Documents
Override Request Form - Online Form | Word Document
Characteristics and Descriptions of Various Exceptionalities:
Response to Intervention:
Individual Education Program:
Social Justice in the Classroom:
- Overview of Social Justice
- Resources for Social Justice
- Organizations Promoting Teachers for Social Justice
- “Making Space” (Resource from British Colombia)
- Lesson Plans from the Southern Poverty Law Center
The Differentiated Classroom:
Universal Design for Learning:
Students who are English Learners:
- A Bilingual Site for Educators and Families
- Video Resources for Teachers
- Literacy in Learning Exchange
- Learning the Language
- Understanding the Language from Stanford University
Students who are Gifted and Twice-Exceptional:
Professional Organizational Web Sites

- Teachers for Speakers of Other Languages
- Georgia Teachers for Speakers of Other Languages
- National Association for Multicultural Education
Gifted and Twice Exceptional: