English to Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement for Graduate Students

Requirements | How do I Apply | Tuition and Fees | KSU Catalog

Program Description

The English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement Certificate Program at Kennesaw State University is a three-course sequence (9 credit hours) with embedded field experiences. The program is housed in the Inclusive Education Department in the Bagwell College of Education at Kennesaw State University. The ESOL Endorsement Certificate program requires at least a two-semester commitment. Candidates may enroll in one or two courses during a semester but must be prepared to devote time to teaching in an approved ESOL classroom during the methods and materials course. ESOL Endorsement Certificate candidates must demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to create environments and learning experiences that engage students in active learning and authentic achievement. Candidates constantly assess and use results for improvement of K-12 student learning.

Program Delivery

The ESOL Endorsement Certificate is available fully online for Teachers holding clear renewable Georgia Certification in any field (Elementary, Middle Grades, Secondary Content, P-12). The endorsement is available as an option within several M.Ed. programs or may be taken alone to add to your current certificate.


  1. Provisional Forms are required for all teachers who may be using their place of employment for their INED 7783 field experience. The Provisional form requires the mentor teacher listed to have the same certification that the student is seeking.
  2. ESOL Endorsement Certificate-Only candidates who are currently teaching must have access to a class with at least 3 English learners. If candidates do not have access to a class with English learners or in case they are not currently teaching, they will be placed in a classroom with English learners to complete the INED 7783 30-hour field experience component.

Program of Study

Semester 1- Summer (online) 

  • INED 7781: Cultural Issues for ESOL Teachers (3 Credit Hours)
    This course is designed to develop a knowledge base about culture, its influence on learning and teaching, and its role in intercultural classroom settings. In this course, prospective ESOL teachers will examine major theories related to educating a culturally diverse student body, and teachers will develop strategies for ensuring that ESOL students develop knowledge of mainstream culture as they become proficient in English.

Semester 2- Fall (online) 

  • INED 7782: Applied Linguistics for ESOL Teachers (3 Credit Hours)
    Principles of linguistic systems and their acquisition as they occur in first and second languages. Candidates will explore the relationship of oral and written language and become familiar with assessment techniques and devices for evaluation of the development of English as an additional language.

  • INED 7783: Methods & Materials for Teaching ESOL (3 Credit Hours)
    In this course, prospective ESOL teachers will develop skills in writing and adapting curricula, critiquing and selecting materials, and applying strategies for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening to speakers of other languages. The course will also include assessment of linguistic proficiency and development.

    Note: INED 7781 and INED 7782 are prerequisites. 

Semester 3- Spring (online) 

  • INED 7783: Methods & Materials for Teaching ESOL (3 Credit Hours) 
    In this course, prospective ESOL teachers will develop skills in writing and adapting curricula, critiquing and selecting materials, and applying strategies for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening to speakers of other languages. The course will also include assessment of linguistic proficiency and development. 

    Note: INED 7781 and INED 7782 are prerequisites. 

Admission Requirements & How to Apply

Please gather your teaching certificate and resume before applying so you can upload these documents during the application process.

  1. Online Graduate Applicationhttps://www.kennesaw.edu/admissions/graduate/graduate-application.php
  2. Transcripts - Official transcripts from EACH College and/or University you have attended. Must be in a sealed envelope from the institution or sent electronically from the institution directly to ksugrad@kennesaw.edu.  If mailed directly from the institution to KSU, send to the address below:

    Graduate Admissions
    3391 Town Point Drive
    Mailbox #9109
    Kennesaw, GA 30144

  3. Clear Renewable Georgia Teaching Certificate - To print a copy of your clear, renewable Georgia teaching certificate, you may log onto www.gapsc.com
  4. Resume or Professional Vitae - Can be uploaded into the online application. Should document education, years of teaching experience, current school and district, volunteer and service accomplishments, and a record of your leadership activities.
  5. International Applicants Only: Please contact 770-499-3002 for all international admission requirements related to your citizenship or visa status OR link to the Graduate International Admissions page: http://www.kennesaw.edu/graduate/admissions/international_admissions.php


Enrolls Summer - May 1 deadline
Enrolls Fall - July 1 deadline

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at ined-info@kennesaw.edu.