M.A.T. Special Education - Courses
INED 7710: Foundations in Special Education
This course focuses on understanding laws at the national and state levels, policies and procedures, as well as current legal trends and issues that impact students with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on eligibility procedures including providing services and developing and implementing the Individualized Education Program. In addition, information regarding disability categories, characteristics and how they manifest in the classroom, as well as approaching disability from a culturally responsive asset-based perspective will be addressed.
INED 7650: Curriculum and instruction for students with Disabilities
This course introduces candidates to current best practices in curriculum and instruction. This course is designed as an introduction to the systematic process of planning for effective classroom instruction and assessment for students with disabilities. Special emphasis is placed on planning for effective design through evidence-based models such as: Understanding by Design (UbD), differentiated instruction, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In addition, candidates will learn about standards-based instruction, the instructional cycle, and culturally relevant and sustaining strategies for individualized learning and instruction.
INED 7621: Assessment for Learners with Dyslexia
This course develops knowledge of assessment and evaluation for learners with dyslexia with an emphasis on analyzing data for educational decision-making within P-12 schooling contexts. The course aims to prepare special education teachers for the administration procedures and practices used in reading and writing assessments, the interrelation of critical factors that impact an educational assessment, and the communication of assessment findings to parents and other professionals. The competencies in this course are derived from the requirements of relevant state and professional standards.
INED 7620: Positive Behavior Management Strategies
This course focuses on developing skills in implementing proactive strategies for positive behavior management. Basic application of school-wide positive behavior support strategies (e.g., RtI), functional behavioral assessment, creating a positive classroom environment, using classroom positive behavior support strategies, and cultural influences on student behavior provide the course’s framework. Candidates will apply research-based principles and strategies through an application project while working in the field with a student with challenging behaviors. Field experience required.
INED 7631: Evidence-Based Instruction/Intervention for Learners with Dyslexia
The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge about evidence-based instruction and intervention methods related to literacy instruction for students with reading disabilities (e.g., dyslexia, language-based learning disabilities). Emphasis is on applying an understanding of the English language and reading development to promote positive academic outcomes for students with dyslexia. Candidates use knowledge of relevant reading standards, the learner and learner context, and the reading instructional cycle to prepare for the delivery of evidence-based instructional practices for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
EDRD 6718: An Introduction to Content Area Reading and LiteracyThis course is a study of the key considerations and research-supported strategies to facilitate effective learning and reading instruction in content area classrooms. This course explores components of the reading process related to content area reading instruction including methods of collaborative grouping. Candidates will plan instruction that support readers before, during, and after they read. Emphasis will be placed on supporting the unique reading needs of diverse P-12 learners. A field component is included. Please note that no more than 15 hours of field experience is required.
EDUC 6610: Introduction to Yearlong Clinical Experience
This zero credit course is the beginning to the co-teaching Yearlong Clinical Experience in education. Candidates will attend the entirety of pre-planning at their assigned school before the start of the academic year (the exact timing of which will depend on the placement school’s schedule). Additionally, candidates will also attend the first week of the academic year in order to familiarize themselves with the policies and routines of their placement school and Collaborating Teacher.
INED 6651: SPED Yearlong Clinical Experience I
This course begins the yearlong clinical experience and is designed to prepare prospective special education teachers for planning and development of instructional materials and implementation of effective teaching methods, management techniques, and assessment practices. This course requires approximately 225 hours in the field over the course of 15 weeks. Verification of Liability Insurance is required.
INED 6661: SPED Yearlong Clinical Experience II
This course is designed to provide prospective special education teachers the opportunity to increasingly assume instruction over time and responsibility for all class or caseload instruction for a minimum period of 10 consecutive school days. In this clinical experience, candidates spend 35-40 hours per week in the classroom across the semester. an issued GaPSC Pre-service Certificate or other teacher certification license is required for this course.
INED 7780: Collaborative PracticesThis course is designed to assist candidates in developing an understanding of various collaboration models including culturally responsive collaborative, communicative, and consultative skills with key stakeholders. Emphasis is placed on developing effective partnerships with families of students with disabilities as well as support strategies for facilitating effective transitions throughout the P-12 continuum. Field experience required.
INED 7611: Introduction to Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities in the Context of LiteracyIn this course, candidates learn about the characteristics of individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities across a learner’s lifespan. Candidates learn theory and current issues related to the definition, assessment, eligibility, service delivery, family impact, and transition planning of learners with dyslexia. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to compare characteristics between individuals with and without dyslexia and other learning disabilities as well as identify scientifically-based interventions that are effective for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
ITEC 7400: 21st Century Teaching and Learning
This course introduces candidates to the technologies most commonly purchased by school districts and explores technology-supported, research-based pedagogical strategies to maximize student learning in the candidate’s certification field. Candidates will apply current research and instructional design principles to digital age learning experiences for students using interactive white boards, student response systems, instructional software and other frequently-purchased productivity tools.