M.A.T. TESOL Courses



  • This course develops a knowledge base about culture, its influence on learning and teaching, and its role in intercultural classroom settings. Prospective ESOL teachers examine major theories related to educating immigrant students and culturally diverse student body; critically analyze education policy and practice at the institutional level; analyze the sociopolitical context of teaching, and develop new strategies and tools to prepare candidates to resist oppression through advocacy, community engagement, and collaboration within the school context.

  • This course is an examination and application of foundational and emerging psychological theories and research, which shape educators’ understanding of their students, as well as their instructional decision making. The course examines topics such as child development, motivation, sociocultural identity, cognition, memory, assessment, and classroom management.

  • This course focuses on the major theories of first and second language acquisition, principles of linguistic systems (e.g. phonology, phonetics, and morphology), and examines these topics drawing on a student-centered approach. Specifically, course content will explore these topics as they relate to classroom-based language learning and implications for schools. In addition, the course material is framed within the current conversations related to literacy, assessment, WIDA English language development standards, and dual-served students.

  • The purpose of this course is to acquaint candidates with instructional strategies and materials that will help them be effective ESOL teachers. Candidates will work closely with the instructor to conduct directed activities in their own classrooms. If candidates are not teaching in classrooms that include English language learners, the Bagwell College’s Office of Field Experiences will find suitable placements. Methods of lesson planning and implementation of sheltered instruction using the SIOP Method, in conjunction with the concepts of Understanding by Design, and WIDA language assessment, will be studied and implemented in this course. Candidates will spend approximately 40 hours in the field.

  • This course focuses on the development of the collaborative skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to be successful with diverse partners in the creation of and advocacy for inclusive classroom communities. Taking an asset-based view of families and communities, this course aims to bridge theory to practice in the development of the pedagogical acumen necessary to support successful, equitable outcomes for all learners in diverse communities.
  • This course is designed to engage students in an investigation of critical pedagogy, theory, and philosophy as these concepts relate to their emerging roles as ESOL teachers and teacher leaders. Students will examine historical and current language policy, theoretical concepts related to language and power, the impact of theory on pedagogical decisions of ESOL teachers, develop an educational philosophy for the ESOL classroom, and hone their knowledge concerning advocacy for culturally and linguistically diverse students.
  • This courses focuses on research-based instruction and assessment of literacy for English learners in P-12 classrooms. Candidates develop knowledge and skills to effectively organize and implement instruction at all language development levels. Emphasis is on understanding similarities and differences between literacy development of English learners and native English speakers. Candidates are introduced to issues of collaboration with grade-level teachers and literacy personnel and the socio-cultural and socio-political dimensions of teaching academic literacy in urban and rural environments.
  • This course prepares candidates with the historical, theoretical and research-based knowledge to evaluate English language programs, and develop curricula for culturally/linguistically diverse P-12 students. Candidates critically examine curricula for promotion of critical thinking, language development, content area learning, and learner engagement. Candidates develop an interdisciplinary, learner-centered, culturally relevant unit that applies Universal Design, Sheltered Instruction, project-based learning/assessment, arts-based learning, and 21st Century technologies to enhance the engagement and academic achievement of English learners.

  • This course is the beginning to the co-teaching Yearlong Clinical Experience in education. Candidates will attend the entirety of pre-planning at their assigned school before the start of the academic year (the exact timing of which will depend on the placement school’s schedule). Additionally, candidates will also attend the first week of the academic year in order to familiarize themselves with the policies and routines of their placement school and Collaborating Teacher.

  • This first semester of a TESOL yearlong clinical field experience requires 18 hours per week in classrooms with ELs. The primary field setting continues into the second semester as a full-time experience. Candidates will also visit other field settings to meet all four grade level clusters required for P-12 certification. This field experience embeds a bi-weekly seminar meeting as well as ongoing conferences with the course instructor and field supervisor to discuss candidate progress. Notes: Proof of liability insurance is required.

  • This course prepares candidates to work collaboratively with families and school personnel to have a positive impact on the educational, social and behavioral development of all students, including those with a full range of disabilities, in a diverse society. It focuses on knowledge of legislative mandates for serving exceptional students, characteristics of exceptionality, best practices in facilitating teaching and learning, and accountability through assessment of outcomes. This course requires a ten-hour observational and instructional experience (i.e., teaching a lesson plan) in assigned school placement(s). This course requires an observational experience and an instructional experience in an assigned school placement. Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in the field experience. This course fulfills Georgia HB 671 requirement. Candidates must be currently enrolled in a MAT program. Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in the field experience. Candidates must have an issued preservice certificate for this course. Candidates must also be enrolled in the Yearlong Clinical I while taking this course. Failure to meet both criteria will result in removal from the course. If a change occurs in the YCE I placement while enrolled in this course, notify your instructor immediately. If you are removed from your field placement you will receive an F in this course. This course is a three-credit hour course. This is a fully online course. Beginning July 1, 2019, all candidates must earn a “B” or higher in this course for certification as stated in the Georgia PSC 505-2-.24 Special Georgia Requirements.

  • This course is the second semester of the TESOL yearlong clinical field experience and is a full-time supervised teaching experience for candidates. Employed candidates may conduct the internship in their classrooms if they have ELs as students. Otherwise, the internship site will be organized through the Center for Education Placements and Partnerships (CEPP). This course requires regularly scheduled professional seminars and the completion of a content pedagogy assessment.
