EPP Syllabus Statements
Academic Distinction Statement:
The Bagwell College of Education at Kennesaw State University ranks among the nation's top universities for educator preparation and workforce development, forging strategic partnerships and embracing innovation. Our collaborative and inclusive culture empowers students, faculty, and staff to thrive by fostering resilience, building confidence, and nurturing a commitment to lifelong learning that addresses the diverse needs of ALL learners. At Bagwell, we go beyond preparing educators; we develop visionary leaders who elevate the profession and inspire lasting, transformative change in education.
Knowledge Base:
Teacher development is generally recognized as a continuum that includes four phases: pre-service, induction, in-service, renewal (Odell, Huling, and Sweeny, 2000). Just as Sternberg (1996) believes that the concept of expertise is central to analyzing the teaching- learning process, the teacher education faculty at KSU believes that the concept of expertise is central to preparing effective classroom teachers and teacher leaders. Researchers describe how during the continuum phases teachers progress from being Novices learning to survive in classrooms toward becoming Experts who have achieved elegance in their teaching. We, like Sternberg (1998), believe that expertise is not an end-state but a process of continued development.
Use of Technology Statement:
Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the master teacher preparation program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional media, especially microcomputers, to assist teaching. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and Internet, and feel confident to design multimedia presentations. In addition, teacher candidates will use technology to teach students, demonstrating an impact on student learning.
School-Based Activities Statement:
As a teacher candidate, you are encouraged to be involved in a variety of school-based activities directed at the improvement of teaching and learning. Activities may include, but are not limited to, tutoring students, assisting teachers or other school personnel, attending school board meetings, and participating in education- related community events. As you continue your teacher candidate experiences, you are encouraged to explore every opportunity to learn by doing.
Campus Resources for Writing:
The KSU Writing Center is a free service offered to all KSU students. Experienced, friendly Writing Assistants will work with you to become a better writer-- regardless of your strengths or weaknesses. Commonly covered writing strategies include topic development, organization, revision, research, source documentation, and grammar, but the Writing Center listens to and works with each writer individually. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit the following web site: http://writingcenter.kennesaw.edu/community/campus-partnerships.php, or stop by Room 242 in the English Building.
Kennesaw State University provides program accessibility and accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A number of services are available to support students with disabilities within their academic program. In order to make arrangements for special services, students must visit the Office for Student Disability Services (SDS), 470-578-2666, and develop an individual assistance plan. The SDS website is: http://sds.kennesaw.edu/. In some cases, certification of disability is required.
Please be aware that there are other support/mentor groups on the campus of Kennesaw State University that address each of the multicultural variables outlined above. For more information, contact the Student Life Center at 470-578-6280 or email: studentlife@kennesaw.edu.