Early Release from YCE II
All candidates must complete the full yearlong clinical experience (YCE II) calendar
of responsibilities to the school placement in order for KSU to process an application
for teacher certification. Program areas may opt to grant early release for employment
purposes; however, early release is not guaranteed. Early release is approved on a
case-by-case basis, depending on a candidate's readiness to teach. In no case will
a candidate be released more than seven days prior to the last scheduled day of YCE
II without compromising standards, state regulations, coursework, or KSU's guarantee
to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) that all candidates have
a yearlong clinical experience.
All early release applications must be approved by the program coordinator, the department chair, and the Director of Clinical Experiences, Placements, and Partnerships (CEPP).
Candidates must follow these steps to apply for an early release:
- The candidate receives an offer of employment from the Human Resources Department of the School System.
- The candidate emails the Director of CEPP to verify his/her eligibility for early release.
- Once verified, the Director of CEPP emails an early application to the candidate.
- The candidate secures approval from appropriate B-12 school personnel and submits the employment offer and the signed application to the Director of CEPP.
- The Director of CEPP submits the application to the candidate’s program coordinator, field supervisor, and department chair for review and signature (if approved).
- The Director of CEPP notifies the candidate of the final decision and also notifies the school system of the approval (or disapproval) of the request and files the application.
- Early release decisions by program areas cannot be appealed.