BCOE Hall of Fame Award
Clarice C. and Leland H.
Bagwell College of Education
Hall of Fame Award
Purpose of the Bagwell College of Education Hall of Fame Award: The purpose of the Clarice C. and Leland H. Bagwell College of Education Hall of Fame Award is to honor and showcase distinguished alumni in education who have made significant contributions in their professions and who have advanced the mission and vision of the Bagwell College of Education through their achievements. BCOE Hall of Fame inductees are selected from nominees who have demonstrated the highest level of professional accomplishment; who have made extraordinary contributions to improve teaching, leading, and learning from the student level to the policy level; and whose service, community involvement, and character serve as an inspiration to others.
The Hall of Fame Award: No more than five (5) Hall of Fame honorees will be inducted annually. The inductees
will be presented with a BCOE Hall of Fame Award plaque, and their names and year
of induction will be featured on a BCOE Hall of Fame Wall of Recognition in the lobby
of the Chantal and Tommy Bagwell College of Education Building. A scholarship will
be presented to one or more BCOE students in honor of Hall of Fame inductees. Inductees
will also be profiled in an article in the BCOE Annual Report, the BCOE website, and/or
BCOE social media outlets. All nominees will receive a letter of recognition from
the BCOE Dean.
Eligibility: Nominees must have earned a Kennesaw State University baccalaureate, master’s, specialist, or doctoral degree from the Bagwell College of Education or a baccalaureate degree in education outside of the BCOE at KSU (i.e., Art Education, English Education, Health and Physical Education, History Education, Modern Language and Culture, or Music Education). To be eligible for the award, nominations must include all required information and documentation. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.Nomination Process and Requirements: An online nomination form and complete procedures are noted on the Bagwell College of Education webpage. All nominations must be submitted by the deadline each year. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
All nominations must include the following:
An online nomination form and complete procedures are noted on the Bagwell College
of Education webpage. All nominations must be submitted by the deadline each year.
Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- A completed online nomination form.
- A current resume or vita for the nominee of no more than 10 pages in length.
- A letter of nomination (no more than two pages in length) clearly demonstrating why the individual should be nominated, highlighting how the individual’s accomplishments support the BCOE vision and mission, and summarizing the individual’s outstanding achievements.
- Optional: No more than five letters of support (each no more than two pages in length) for the nomination.
The Hall of Fame Award and Ceremony: Hall of Fame inductees’ names and year of induction will be mounted permanently on the Hall of Fame Wall of Recognition in the lobby of the Chantal and Tommy Bagwell Education Building. A ceremony and reception will be held where inductees will receive their award and inductees’ accomplishments will be shared. Inductees and their families, faculty, and staff will be invited to attend the ceremony and reception.
BCOE Hall of Fame Award Criteria: Nominees should have demonstrated exceptional impact in their roles, contributions, or leadership in their area of expertise. They should have contributed a minimum of ten (10) years of service in their profession and accomplished a significant body of work, including outstanding achievements and recognitions on a local, state, regional, national, or international level. Even though all criteria are not required, the Review Committee will consider the following criteria in their deliberations:
- Professional accomplishments
- Professional affiliations and leadership roles
- Honors and awards
- Contributions to the advancement of teacher and leader development and/or to the innovation and transformation of educational practice or policy
- Support or contributions in the areas of educational equity, diversity, and inclusion
- Community engagement/service and/or philanthropic activities
- Service to and support of the Bagwell College of Education and Kennesaw State University
- Other significant achievements
BCOE Hall of Fame Award Revised Timeline for 2021-2022:
February 2022 - Review Committee members for 2021-2022 appointed by the Dean
February 2022 - Online nomination portal available on the BCOE website
March 11, 2022 - Online applications due by 5:00 p.m.
March 25, 2022 - Review Committee provides recommendation to Dean
March 29, 2022 - Dean Notifies Hall of Fame Award recipients and sends a letter of recognition to all nominees.
April 2022 - Hall of Fame Award inductees recognized at BCOE event
October 2022 - Review Committee members appointed by the Dean for 2022-2023