Pre-Service Certificate Requirement
KSU’s Bagwell College of Education will require that candidates admitted to a teacher
education program be issued a Pre-Service Certificate by the Georgia Professional
Standards Commission (PSC). This Pre-Service Certificate ensures Birth-12 schools
and the university that candidates have a state background check prior to being allowed
to work with minors. The GaPSC performs a criminal history background check prior
to issuing a Pre-Service Certificate. Failure to obtain a Pre-Service Certificate
will preclude continuation in Teacher Education.
To be eligible for this certificate, candidates MUST
- Have passed the PSC GACE Educator Ethics – Program Exit (test code 360)
- Have a successful background check (conducted during EDUC 2110). The PSC will NOT award a Pre-Service Certificate to anyone who is currently on probation, regardless of the crime. The PSC requires a copy of the Final Disposition, signed by a judge, to consider the issuance of a Pre-Service Certificate
- Be enrolled in an educator preparation program leading to initial certification
- “Claim Preparation Program” through the candidate’s MyPSC Dashboard
- Complete the Personal Affirmations through the candidate’s MyPSC Dashboard
- Apply for the Pre-Service Certificate through the candidate’s MyPSC Dashboard
An issued Pre-Service Certificate is required to participate in field and/or clinical experiences beyond Area F courses. The application process for this certificate can take several weeks. Candidates who enroll in classes with field/clinical experience, and do not have a Pre-Service Certificate, will need to withdraw and/or be administratively removed from those courses prior to the university deadline to withdraw without academic penalty. It is, therefore, imperative that candidates follow the instructions provided by the Bagwell Admission Coordinator or the Bagwell Certification Officer.
Reporting Requirements:
- The PSC Code of Ethics requires candidates to self-report the commission or conviction of a crime to the PSC within 90 days of the incident. See Code of Ethics:
- KSU Teacher Education programs are also required by PSC Rule 505-3-.01 ( to “immediately report to PSC any violations of the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators by enrolled candidates (p. 18).” Candidates must also self-report to the Director of CEPP at KSU. The Pre-Service Certificate may be revoked if a candidate violates the Georgia Code of Ethics, and, if revoked, the candidate will be removed from Teacher Education.
NOTE: Candidates MUST have a current Pre-Service Certificate prior to ANY field experience required for their coursework in Teacher Education. Failure to do so may result in a delay in graduation. Questions about the need for a Pre-Service Certificate should be directed to the Bagwell Certification Officer at