Removal from Teacher Education
Once admitted to Teacher Education, a candidate may not be eligible to continue in
Teacher Education if:
- Responsible, professional behavior is not exhibited in all classes, field/clinical experiences and interactions with peers and faculty, as judged by the program faculty and/or collaborating teachers and school personnel.
- Unacceptable dispositions are exhibited in classes, meetings, and field/clinical experiences as determined by the program faculty.
- The candidate is found guilty of a major violation of KSU’s student code of conduct or civil law.
- Two or more “D” or “F” grades are earned in required lower and upper division courses in the candidate’s Teacher Education program. A review will be triggered if the candidate’s institutional (adjusted) or cumulative GPA falls below 2.75 at KSU.
- The candidate fails to observe or meet the required course and program prerequisites, including field-based teaching methods courses and clinical experiences/internships.
- Teaching skills and effectiveness are judged by two or more faculty instructors and/or collaborating teachers to be unsatisfactory.
- The candidate fails to adhere to professional growth feedback, formal notifications of areas for improvement, or remediation plans.
- Any field-based classes (ex., Yearlong Clinical Experience I & II, practicums, internships, etc.) are not completed satisfactorily.
- KSU adjusted GPA falls below 2.75 prior to the last clinical experience in the program. (ex., Yearlong Clinical Experience II).
- The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) suspends or revokes the Pre-Service Certification.
- The individual fails to immediately self-report to the GaPSC and to the CEPP Director any arrests or potential violations that occur after a criminal background check has been completed.
One or more of these deficiencies will trigger a review by the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee of the appropriate program area, which will determine whether the candidate will be permitted to continue in the Teacher Education program under an individualized remediation plan. Decisions to remove a candidate from the Teacher Education program will be recommended by that committee and approved by the program coordinator, department chair, and the Dean or Associate Dean of the Bagwell College of Education. When a candidate is removed from a Teacher Education program, he/she is precluded from entering or transferring into any other Teacher Education program.