Georgia Service & Leadership
Certification Upgrade & Field Addition Requirements
Individuals completing an initial Service or Leadership field program through the
Bagwell College of Education at KSU and pursuing the addition of the upgrade and certification
field to their PSC Certificate, whether degree or non-degree, must meet the requirements
Each candidate will:
- Have been awarded a KSU graduate degree in education with a 3.0 institutional (adjusted) GPA for all graduate degrees OR completed a “Certification Only” program with a GPA >=3.0 for all courses required to complete that “Certification Only” program.
- Hold a current PSC, or other state, issued Teacher, Service or Leadership (for Tier II) Certificate.
- Have an Approved Program Completion form electronically submitted by KSU Certification Officer.
- Have received passing scores on GACE Content Assessment, or PASL, exams aligned with the program field.
- Have achieved successful completion of mentored hours, as dictated by the PSC, under the guidance of a qualified mentor with three or more years of experience in the certification field being sought, or PSC approved alignment.
- Have previously completed coursework to meet Georgia HB671-Education of the Child with Exceptionalities.
An Approved Program Completion form will be submitted to the PSC when these requirements have been met.
KSU programs meet requirements for certification in the state of Georgia; additional requirements may exist for education certification outside of Georgia.
Application for field addition must be made to the PSC within five years of degree or program completion. Seeking a field addition over five years after program completion will result in a program review, as mandated by the PSC, “to meet current preparation requirements to assure up-to-date knowledge in the field of certification sought.” [GaPSC Rule 505-3-.01]