Admission to Teacher Education

Admission to Yearlong Clinical ExperienceWe are excited that you have decided to apply for the initial teacher preparation program at Kennesaw State University! Feel free to reach out to with any questions as you work through the application process outlined below. We look forward to walking with you on your journey to become a teacher!

The admissions window for Fall 2024 is HAPPENING NOW! 

As always, please make sure you meet with your advisor each semester. This is especially important as you prepare to apply for your teacher education program:

10 Steps to Apply for Teacher Education Admission (Undergraduate):

  • Before beginning the application, you should check to make sure you have completed or are currently enrolled in the coursework required for admission:

    • ENGL 1101 and 1102 with grades of “C” or better.
    • EDUC 2110* with a grade of “C” or better and a satisfactory field experience evaluation (*Or provide proof of credit from an approved high school Georgia Pathways for Educators Program).
    • 36 semester hours of accredited college coursework (KSU and transfer credit, if applicable).
  • Next, confirm your GPA meets the minimum requirement.

    • Kennesaw State University institutional (adjusted) GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    • Transfer students:
      • KSU GPA not established - admission is based upon transfer GPA used for KSU admission.
      • KSU GPA established - admission is based upon the KSU GPA
    • No grade lower than “C” in Lower Division Major and Teaching Field courses (area A-F) required for upper division education courses.
  • Your GaPSC ID is what allows you to complete field and clinical experiences as a KSU student, and ultimately to be hired upon graduation and completion of all certification requirements.

    • Go to Click Register in the top right corner.
    • Select Seeking admission to Georgia Educator Prep Program.
    • Select To take GACE assessment. This step is required to enter your personal information.
    • Provide your personal information. You must use your full legal name, as it appears on your government issued ID. It is recommended that you use a personal email address that you check regularly. Ensure all information is correctly entered before proceeding.
    • For Program Provider, select Kennesaw State University.
    • Answer the security questions and submit. A temporary password will be sent to the primary email address you provided. Check that email to retrieve the temporary password and follow the instructions to finalize your registration.
    • Once you log on you’ll find your new 7-digit GaPSC Certification ID number In the upper right corner.
  • This a GaPSC requirement for all teacher education candidates in the state of Georgia prior to admissions.

    • There is a $30.00 fee for the GACE Educator Ethics (test code 360) assessment. It is fully online and takes approximately three hrs to complete in one sitting. It is not timed, so you do not have to finish it in a single sitting. You can start and stop the exam as needed.
    • To avoid technical difficulties during registration & paying, use CHROME internet browser. · Log in to your MyPSC account at
    • Select Assessments in your MyPSC Dashboard.
    • Select reason #7 “I am taking Georgia Educator Ethics or…”
    • Choose Georgia Educator Ethics (360) from the dropdown menu and click “ADD”. You may need to enable your pop-ups for this step. Type YES to confirm and click “Finish”.
    • Confirm “Ethics 360” has been added to your list of “Active Eligible Tests.” You can now register for the exam.
    • You will register and pay on the Georgia Educator Ethics site. You will have to create a testing account by clicking on “Test Taker,” near the bottom of the screen. This is a different site from your MyPSC account. You may use the same log in and password. Save the PDF of the completion certificate: LastName_FirstName_Ethics. You will submit this in Step 7.
    • Print the GaPSC Verification of Lawful Presence Affidavit.
    • The affidavit must be signed in the presence of a notary. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. You will need a valid, currently issued government ID.
    • Create a PDF of the notarized affidavit with a copy of your valid, currently issued government ID. You will submit this in Step 7, via email, and 10, to your MyPSC account.
    • Submit your application, using your KSU and GaPSC ID.
    • PDF of the Georgia Ethics Completion Certificate.
    • PDF of the notarized affidavit with a copy of your valid, currently issued government ID. These are the documents from Step 5.
    • Include your KSU ID in the email.
    • will notify you when your application is complete, and you are ready to take the next steps for admission. 
    • Log in to your Click on Claim Preparation Program.
    • Click Confirm to confirm your Enrollment Status. Scroll down, click Confirm again to Claim your Preparation Program.
    • Click OK to submit and proceed to the next step. You may need to enable pop-ups.
    • In your MyPSC Dashboard, click on Personal Affirmations.
    • Carefully read and respond to all questions.
    • You will get a confirmation stating Personal Affirmations have been successfully saved.
    • To confirm it has been submitted to the PSC, go back to the home screen and your Dashboard. Click on View Submitted Documents. If you do not see it displayed here, you have not yet met this requirement.
    • In your MyPSC Dashboard, click on Applications/Documentation/Status.
    • Answer employment questions. All answers should be ''NO" unless you are/were a certified teacher. Click Proceed.
    • Select Pre-Service Certificate from the list. Click Proceed.
    • Select Notarized, signed Verification of Lawful Presence Documentation from dropdown menu. Upload the PDF you created in Step 5 with both the notarized form and government issued ID.
    • Do NOT pay the $20 application fee.  The Pre-Service Certificate is free.

Note: Once you are admitted to teacher education, the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) will administer a criminal history background check before issuing the required Pre-Service Certificate. B-K and PK-5 majors will also be required to have a Bright from the Start background check. Should a student not be issued the PSC Pre-Service Certificate or not pass the appropriate background check, they will be required to drop the course for which the clearance is needed and/or they may be administratively withdrawn from such courses. Results of the criminal history background check at either level may preclude participation in a degree program leading to teacher certification. For more information on the background check processes and field placement policies, students should contact the office of Clinical Experiences, Placements and Partnerships (CEPP). CEPP contacts and policies can be found here: Candidates should familiarize themselves with all CEPP policies and procedures prior to enrolling in courses with field or clinical experiences.
