ARD/FPA Videos

NEW - Effective January 2025


#1 – Due Dates

Your ARD and FPA are both due in WaterMark/Digital Measures on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Your ARD will include the period from January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024. 
Your FPA will include the period from January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025.

#2 – Workload Percentages - Be sure to enter your annual workload percentages in the "Yearly Workload Summary" screen located under the Administrative Data in the Activities tab. 

#3 - Continuous Professional Growth - Faculty should identify how they pursue continuous professional growth in at least one of the three areas in both the ARD and FPA. Please enter your continuous professional growth activities in the CAREER section of Watermark under the Faculty Development Activities Attended link and CHECK the Professional Growth toggle at the bottom for these activities.

#4 - Student Success - Faculty should identify efforts to promote student success in at least one of the three areas in both the ARD and FPA. Please enter your student success activities in Watermark and CHECK the Student Success toggle at the bottom for these activities.

#5 - Partnership/Community Engagement - We now have a Partnership and Community Engagement item under SERVICE in Watermark. Please enter all of your 2024 Partnership Activities in Watermark. 


NEW - Effective January 2024 

#1 – Due Dates

Your ARD and FPA are both due in WaterMark/Digital Measures on Friday, January 26.
Your ARD will include the period from January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023. 
Your FPA will include the period from January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024.

#2 - Partnership/Community Engagement - We now have a Partnership and Community Engagement item under SERVICE in Watermark. Please enter all of your 2023 Partnership Activities in Watermark. Partnership/Community Engagement is defined as the collaboration between institutions of higher education and local, regional/state, national, or global communities, such as schools, school districts, government bodies, businesses, community organizations, advocacy groups, other colleges and universities, parents of college students, and college students for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of a partnership or community engagement is to work together to advance the mission and goals of the partners, KSU, and where applicable, to improve the overall learning experiences and outcomes of KSU students.

#3 - Student Success - Faculty should identify efforts to promote student success in at least one of the three areas in both the ARD and FPA. Please enter your student success activities in Watermark. 

#4 - Continuous Professional Growth - Faculty should identify how they pursue continuous professional growth in at least one of the three areas in both the ARD and FPA. Please enter your continuous professional growth activities in Watermark.

#5 – New Toggles in Watermark - The two toggles at the bottom of each activity page have been updated. In the past, Community Engagement and Global Learning were the two toggles at the bottom of each activity page that you could click to indicate what area the activity related to. Now, the toggles have been updated to Student Success and Professional Growth. Please enter your student success and continuous professional growth activities that demonstrate you met your student success and continous professional growth goals that you set in your FPA and CHECK the toggle at the bottom for each of these activities.

#6 - Workload Percentages - If your workload changed from Spring 2023 to Fall 2023, you will need to average the two workloads to get your annual workload percentages. Ex: If you were on a 60/20/20 in Spring 2023 and then moved to a 60/30/10 in Fall 2023, your yearly workload percentages would be averaged to 60/25/15. Be sure to enter the average percentages in the "Yearly Workload Summary" screen located under the Adminstrative Data in the Activities tab. 

#7 – P&T Guidelines - According to Academic Affairs, you may use your old or new P&T guidelines for purposes of your 2023 ARD. However, you must use your department's new P&T guidelines when writing your 2024 FPA. 

#8 – Five-point Rubric - Chairs will evaluate faculty members in each of the three performance areas (teaching, scholarship and creative activity, and service) based upon the following five-point rubric:​

     ​5 - Exemplary​
     4 - Exceeds Expectations​
     3 - Meets Expectations​
     2 - Needs Improvement​
     1 - Does Not Meet Expectations

An overall score will be calculated using the weighted average (Teaching Workload % x Teaching rating) + (Scholarship and Creative Activity Workload % x Scholarship and Creative Activity rating) + (Service Workload % x Service rating). ​For example, (.60 x 3) + (.30 x 4) + (.10 x 5) = 3.5 (rounded for an overall score of 4).

#9 – Dean Ratings - The Dean will also evaluate faculty members in each of the three performance areas. An overall score will also be calculated using the weighted average described above.

#10 – Performance Remediation Plan (PRP) - If a tenured or tenure-track faculty member receives a "1 - Does Not Meet Expectations" or "2 - Needs Improvement" in any of the categories during an annual review, the chair of the department and the faculty member will develop a Performance Remediation Plan (PRP).

#11 - CETL Workshops - CETL is offering two workshop opportunities on Annual Reviews.

Preparing & Submitting Your Annual Review Documents via Teams
Wed, Jan 10th from 1:00 – 2:30. Login to OwlTrain and register here

Thinking Strategically about Annual Reviews (For new/nearly new faculty) – Hybrid – Teams or CETL Lab
Thurs, Jan 18th from 11:30 -1:00. Login to OwlTrain and register here!

#12 – ARD/FPA Videos - To help you through the annual review process, please view the ARD/FPA videos at the link below.

(Note: Menus and screens may be slightly different from the videos due to upgrades to the WaterMark software each year.)

#13 – January Just-in-time Sessions - If you watch the videos and still need help, no problem! I will be available online in Teams to help you in January! Just drop in one of the Teams sessions below during the hours listed. You can always email me and set up an individual appointment! I'm happy to help!

Teams Schedule & Links Below:

Thurs, Jan 11 – 2:00 – 3:00 - Click here to join the meeting
Tues, Jan 16 – 12:00 – 1:00 - Click here to join the meeting 
Thurs, Jan 25 – 12:00 – 1:00 - Click here to join the meeting

Reminders about Watermark/Digital Measures:

  • Menus and screens may be slightly different from the videos due to upgrades to the WaterMark software each year.
  • Digital Measures is now called Watermark, and the help email is now
  • Faculty are expected to upload evidence and supporting documentation in each of the three areas - Teaching, Scholarship, and Service - to support the narrative. This evidence should appear as links in your Interactive Vita.
  • The sign-off is not a dropdown anymore. It's a text field for reviewers to enter their initials.


NEW - Effective January 2023

1.  The FPA must include continuous Professional Growth goal(s). Professional Growth goal(s) can be addressed primarily in one area (Teaching, Scholarship, or Service). Professional Growth goal(s) do not need to be addressed in all three areas, unless you decide to do so. If you have questions about the Professional Growth goals, please see your Department Chair.

2.  The FPA must include Student Success goal(s). Student Success goal(s) can be addressed primarily in one area (Teaching, Scholarship, or Service). They do not need to be addressed in all three areas. . If you have questions about the Student Success goals, please see your Department Chair.

Note: Menus and screens may be slightly different from the videos due to upgrades to the WaterMark software each year. Below are 3 things that have changed since the videos were made.

  • Digital Measures is now called Watermark, and the help email is now
  • Chairs rate faculty in each of the three areas, as well as provide an overall rating.
  • The sign-off is not a dropdown anymore. It's a text field for reviewers to enter their initials.
  • Reminder – Faculty are expected to upload evidence and supporting documentation in each of the three areas - Teaching, Scholarship, and Service - to support the narrative. This evidence should appear as links in your Interactive Vita.


Effective January 2021 - 6-page narrative is double spaced; Font size 10-12 point; Narrative should include major accomplishments and quality and significance. Evidence is required this year and should be uploaded into WaterMark/Digital Measures and reflected on the Vita Interactive as a link. Numbers to the links are not required in the 6-page narrative. If you have questions about the six-page narrative, please see your Department Chair.

Video #1 - 6-Page Narrative & ARD Report (Length: 9:46)

Video #2 - Vita Interactive (Length: 11:04)

Video #3 - This FPA video describes how faculty in the BCOE complete their Faculty Performance Agreement in Digital Measures. (Length: 6:25)

NEW - Effective January 2023 – The FPA must include continuous Professional Growth goal(s). Professional Growth goal(s) can be addressed primarily in one area (Teaching, Scholarship, or Service). Professional Growth goal(s) do not need to be addressed in all three areas, unless you decide to do so. If you have questions about the Professional Growth goals, please see your Department Chair.

NEW - Effective January 2023 – The FPA must include Student Success goal(s). Student Success goal(s) can be addressed primarily in one area (Teaching, Scholarship, or Service). They do not need to be addressed in all three areas. . If you have questions about the Student Success goals, please see your Department Chair.


Video #4  – Submitting the ARD/FPA through the Workflow Menu (Length: 6:20) 
